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Welcome to Music Playhouse Kidz Drums!


Kidz drums music class is now in town. Kidzdrums program is specially designed for Children who are 5 years old and above. This is a holistic music learning experience. Not only do they learn about the beats and rhythms, but they are also exposed to music theory and understanding of other instruments. 


Students will be able to perform with confidence with the backing tracks and playing Live.


During the lesson, we included iPad games, board, and card games to enhance rhythmic learning and music theory in a fun and interactive way.


Our hope is to have the students enjoy making music and a creating life-long music lover.


One term consists of:

- 12 lessons

- 30mins (individual), 45mins (2 pax/ group​)

- $40/ lesson for term 1

In term 3, students will be entering the Initial grade of Pop & Rock drums syllabus of Trinity College London.



Available slot:

Slots are very limited, do check with us on availability by registering your interest.

Register with us right now by clicking the button!

Drums Intro

Drums Intro

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